  • 师资介绍
  • Rowan Peterson

    Unlocking great minds starts at an early age
    I try to make my teaching style fun and engaging. If the students walk out of the classroom really happy - confident with their coursework and smiling at the same time - I know I've done my job. One of my classes making great progress enjoy many new activities to keep the lessons fresh. They're a little bunch of top learners so I let them choose the games.. while I look after the content. Success at learning English comes from having the language in your life. For kids, this means that English must always keep their interest.

  • Angela Liu

       老师在不懂*心理的境况下,教学环节中的很多东西基本上无从下手。作为老师的我们就要走进*的内心世界,尝试去了解*们的天性,他们永远是那么的精力旺盛,他们永远有着超强的好奇心,而他们的学习的速度和忘记的速度又都是那么的快,他们的好胜心是如此强烈,他们的情感是非常的丰富。要懂的一点性格学的知识 .我们懂得这些心理学知识,就可以知道让好胜的*做抢答的表率,让温柔的*做纪律的表率,让调皮的*做表演的演员,合理激发*的荣誉感,整个课堂就会快乐不断.

  • JJ

    Some say that life is like a game of rummy “one must keep their options open”。 I believe the same is true when considering the teaching of young learners。 This is because an effective pedagogue should not solely rely on one method of teaching but a wide array and should not considered the class as one individual but as a group of individuals each with their own specific capabilities and unique methods of learning。 Thus designing a lesson which meets the needs of all learners involved requires the teacher to keep his pedagogical repertoire open to as many methods of learning as possible and therefore maximise the learning opportunities for all involved within the class.

  • Elin Cheng

    Perfect practice makes perfect!
    *在一个环境良好的环境学习是必要的; 给予**的鼓励是必需的; *在学习环境中遇到挫折是必然的! 每个*都有独特的一面,需要被激发被发掘。我们的责任是让*快乐学习,引导*们有自信说英文,不怕去犯错。口说是我*重视的教学原则,因为沟通可以让彼此去认识,然而要让*使沟通变成自然的一件事,每天就要不断的去练习,从错误中去了解错误,完美的练习就会变成 『熟能生巧』。
    老师的教导、学生的用心、家长的付出,所有的累积,都是一体的。“Practice not only makes perfect, but perfect practice indeed makes perfect.”